Shopping Trolleys

Shop across a range of Shopping Trolleys for the Elderly

Shopping Trolleys for the elderly are ideal for providing space for shopping and personal items when you’re out and about. They are pulled along instead of carried like shopping bags which takes a weight off your shoulders and usually feature climber wheels made of three wheels on either side which make climbing steps or kerbs much easier. They are also waterproof, meaning your belongings stay safe and dry wherever you take the trolley. Some shopping trolley bags for the elderly even feature sturdy fold-out chairs which allow you to rest along the way whenever you need to. Navigate below to find the shopper trolley best suited to you.

Types of Shopping Trolley Bags for the Elderly

Standard Wheeled Shopping Trolleys

Standard shopper trolleys are water-resistant with sturdy frames and foldable handles. Most models can be folded and conveniently fixed to bicycles or mobility scooters, making them ideal for taking with you on the move.

Shopping Trolleys with Seats

Some shopping trolleys offer spacious storage just like standard trolleys, however, these trolleys also feature fold-out chairs which let you take a rest whenever and wherever you need to whilst out and about.

FAQs on Shopping Trolley Bags


Are Shopping Trolleys heavy?


Are Shopping Trolleys waterproof?


Can you get Shopper Trolleys with seats?
