Zipper Pulls

Shop across a range of Zipper Pulls & Button Hooks

Zipper pulls and button hooks for the elderly are accessibility aids which make getting dressed independently much easier. Fastening buttons and using small zips can be fiddly and frustrating, but these tools make things much easier. Button hooks pull buttons through their corresponding holes and zipper pulls are made from larger handles which hook around zips to make them easier to pull, which makes these accessories ideal for people who suffer from arthritis or who have difficulties with wrist strength. Navigate below to find the most useful button hook or zip pull for your needs.

Types of Zip Puller Aids for the Elderly

Zipper Pulls

Zipper pulls are accessibility aids for people who suffer from arthritis or who have difficulties grasping and pulling small zips. They fold or wrap around zip holes to provide a larger surface area to pull on which means less strength is needed to work the zip.

Button Hooks

Button hooks are made from an easy-to-grip handle with a shaped wire which surrounds the button and pulls it through its corresponding hole with a simple twisting motion. They make what can be a fiddly and frustrating task, quick and simple.


Some models feature both a zip pull at one end and a button hook at the other. They cover all bases and make getting dressed much easier no matter what fastening you have.

FAQs on Zipper Pull Aids


Can you use a button hook with one hand?


How do you make a zipper easier to pull?


Who would benefit from a button hook?
