Daily Living Aids

Shop across a huge range of living aids for the elderly

There are a wide range of daily living and disability aids designed to make day-to-day tasks and routines much easier, helping you to maintain your independence and providing support wherever and whenever you need it. Across product categories such as pill boxes, dementia clocks, hearing aids and shopper trolleys, there are different styles with varying features for you to compare and choose the disability, accessibility and mobility aids which best suit your requirements.

Types of Daily Living Aids

Pill Boxes

Pill boxes store and organise medication for people who may have difficulties with remembering what to take and when. There are standard pill organisers with clearly labelled compartments which can hold multiple pills or automatic pill dispensers which can be programmed to alert and dispense medication at set times.

Magnifying Glasses

Magnifying glasses are lightweight visual aids which help the visually impaired to read small text or have a closer look at things. There are different styles of magnifying glass, some hang around your neck and balance on your chest for hands-free magnification while others clamp to a table or have LED lights for illumination as well as magnification.

Dementia Clocks

Dementia clocks are ideal for people living with dementia, Alzheimer’s or people who struggle with memory loss. These clocks help people feel more orientated in day-to-day life through features such as differentiating between day and night and clear, visible  information on the time, day and date.


Trolleys for the elderly are ideal for providing space for shopping and personal items when you’re out and about. They are pulled along instead of carried like shopping bags which takes a weight off your shoulders and usually feature climber wheels made of three wheels on either side which make climbing steps or kerbs much easier.

Pick Up Sticks

Pick up sticks or Grabby Hands are ideal for the elderly and people with limited mobility or low wrist strength as they can pick things up for you without needing to bend or over-stretch. They work by squeezing the trigger at one end to open and close the jaws at the other, picking up objects with a secure grip.

Zip & Button Pulls

Zip pulls and button hooks for the elderly are disability aids which make getting dressed independently much easier. Button hooks pull buttons through their corresponding holes and zip pulls are made from larger handles which hook around zips to make them easier to pull, which makes these accessories ideal for people who suffer from arthritis or who have difficulties with wrist strength.

Sock Pulls

Sock pulls are lightweight disability aids which help people with limited mobility put on socks or stockings. You simply fit the sock over the end and pull it up your leg with the handles. The sock pull is then removed along with the need to bend down or over-stretch.

Heated Blankets

Heated blankets are perfect for getting warm and cosy, especially on those cold winter nights. They usually feature several temperature settings and a variable timer which safely switches the blanket off to prevent overheating through the night.

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids for the elderly are amazing tools for turning up the volume of the world around you. They come with different ear plug sizes for you to find your most comfortable fit as well as adjustable volume control. Some hearing aids fit over the ear whilst other ‘invisible’ models sit in the ear canal.

FAQs on Living Well Aids for the Elderly


What living and disability aids for the elderly are free?


What gadgets can help me live independently?
