Wheelchair Ramps

Shop across a huge range of Wheelchair Ramps

Wheelchair Ramps can be placed over door thresholds or steps to provide accessibility to Wheelchairs and Mobility Scooters. There are ramps which are fixed in place as well as portable ramps which can be folded down for convenient storage and transport when not in use. Threshold Ramps are ideal for Wheelchair users gaining access into buildings and greatly reduces the risk of any Wheelchair accidents while Portable Ramps for steps are perfect for improving accessibility outside the house.

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Showing all 9 results

  • Essential Aids Suitcase Ramp 300

    Essential Aids Suitcase Ramp

    • Available in 4, 5, 6 & 7ft lengths
    • Weight capacity: 300kg (47st)
    • Available in: 2.5, 3.3, 3.9 & 4.5kg weights (per half)
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  • Budget Telescopic Channel Ramp 300

    Enable Access Budget Telescopic Channel Ramp

    • Available in 4, 5, 6 & 7ft lengths
    • Weight capacity: 300kg (47st)
    • Available in: 2.5, 3.3, 3.9 & 4.5kg weights (per half)
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  • Doorline-Neatedge 300

    Enable Access Doorline-Neatedge

    • Size: 900 x 120 x 15mm
    • Weight capacity: 500kg (79st)
    • Available in: 1½, 3.1, 11, 18, 31 & 51kg
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  • Doorline-Multi Threshold Ramp 300

    Enable Access Doorline-Multi Threshold Ramp

    • Size: 700 x 500 x 40mm
    • Weight capacity: 300kg (47st)
    • Weight: 3kg
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  • Metro Bridge Threshold Ramp 300

    Metro Bridge Threshold Ramp

    • Size: 700 x 500 x 40mm
    • Weight capacity: 300kg (47st)
    • Weight: 3kg
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  • Aerolight-Up Over Ramp Kit 300

    Complete Care Shop Aerolight-Up and Over Ramp Kit

    • Size: 760 x 1200mm
    • Weight capacity: 300kg (47st)
    • Max height: 15cm (6")
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  • Aerolight-Xtra Folding Wheelchair Ramp 300

    Complete Care Shop Aerolight-Xtra Folding Ramp

    • Folded size: 390 x 80 x 600mm
    • Weight capacity: 450kg (71st)
    • Weight: 4.7kg
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  • Permaramp Height Adjustable External Ramp 300

    Permaramp External Ramp

    • Size: 760 x 1200mm
    • Weight capacity: 400kg (63st)
    • Weight: 16.5kg
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  • NRS Healthcare Mobility Care Roll-Up Portable Ramp 300

    NRS Healthcare Roll-Up Portable Ramp

    • Size: 762 x 9300mm
    • Weight capacity: 180kg (28.5st)
    • Weight: 12kg
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What types of Wheelchair Ramp are available?

Threshold Ramps

Threshold Ramps are lightweight ramps with anti-slip surfaces which bridge both sides of a door threshold, allowing Wheelchairs to easily and safely travel over them. Some models, like the Complete Care Shop Aerolight-Up and Over Ramp Kit, feature one long external ramp which provides a more gradual incline before joining to a variety of smaller door ramps once inside the property.

Portable Wheelchair Ramps

Portable Wheelchair Ramps are lightweight ramps which fold down to a compact size. They provide smooth and safe transition over thresholds, steps and kerbs and offer convenient storage and transport when not in use. Folding ramps are just as safe as standard threshold ramps, they feature secure surface grips and sidewalls which prevent wheels from slipping off the ramp edges. There are some ramp models which roll up instead of fold to become easier to store in their own carry bag. They are made from non-corroding aluminium which is suitable for indoor and outdoor use and can easily support Wheelchairs, Rollators and Mobility Scooters, just like the portable folding wheelchair ramps.

Telescopic Channel Ramps

Telescopic Ramps come in pairs and extend to a range of lengths to accommodate a variety of step heights. The great thing about Telescopic Channel Ramps is that you can adjust the width between each ramp to suit different widths between wheels of Wheelchairs.

Who are Wheelchair Ramps for?

All Wheelchair Ramps are ideal for Wheelchairs or people who struggle with stepping over thresholds or climbing steps. Some ramps also accommodate Mobility Scooters or Rollators.

What to consider when choosing ramps for wheelchairs

Will your Wheelchair Ramp be used across thresholds or over steps? Consider where you are going to be using your Wheelchair Ramp and be sure that it is the right size for your needs. The weight capacity for most ramps ranges between 180kg to 500kg, so be sure that you choose a ramp which suits your needs, especially if you are planning to use them as Mobility Scooter Ramps. Different Threshold Ramps feature different types of surface grips, some are smooth, non-slip rubber while others have raised or milled treads, so consider which type best suits your needs.

FAQs on Wheelchair Ramps


How long of a ramp do you need for a Wheelchair?


What is the recommended slope for a Wheelchair Ramp?


Do I need planning permission for a Wheelchair Ramp?


Do you push or pull a Wheelchair up a Threshold Ramp?
