Abilize Ranger Mobility Scooter

Abilize Ranger Mobility Scooter

Why you'll love the Abilize Ranger

The Abilize Ranger is a road-legal mobility scooter with independent front and rear suspension and pneumatic tyres around 16″ wheels for a comfortable ride. The Ranger has a high, low and tortoise speed settings to allow for road, pavement and busy pedestrian areas respectively. For added safety and visibility, this model has front, rear and hazard lights, indicators and a horn.

Features of the Abilize Ranger

  • Road scooter
  • Rear view mirrors
  • Head, rear & hazard lights
  • LED screen with large buttons
  • Swivel seat
  • Delta tiller with wig-wag levers


  • Max. Speed: 8mph
  • Max. weight capacity: 181kg
  • 1600 x 720 x 1280mm (L x W x H)
  • Range: 30 miles
  • Battery Size: 75Ah

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FAQs on the Ranger Mobility Scooter by Abilize


What is the range of the Abilize Ranger Mobility Scooter?


How much is the Abilize Ranger Mobility Scooter?


What is the max speed of the Abilize Ranger Mobility Scooter?
