Kitchen gadgets such as talking measurement containers or openers for jars, bottles and cans makes meal preparation much easier for the elderly and people who suffer from restricted dexterity, tremors or visual impairments.
Read MoreSome help to reduce strain on your hands and wrists, while others speak out measurement readings which can be very difficult to see. Navigate below to find the kitchen gadget which best suits your needs.
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Measuring Devices can be hard to read at the best of times. Talking Scales and jugs say the measurement out loud as you add more to the bowl on the scale, or liquid in the jug. They are perfect for people with visual impairments or people who are fed up with guessing where the liquid is on the line.
Claps can attach to your worktop with non-slip pads, holding your jars or tins in place while you keep both hands free to twist the lid open.
Openers come in many shapes and sizes but their function is broadly the same – to help you open things whether it be a jar, bottle, can or tin! Some are just simple silicone rings that provide you with more grip whereas other can be fully automatic that open the tin for you at the touch of a button. You can even get kitchen gadgets that can assist you pull pesky ring pulls up.