NRS Healthcare Garden Kneeler

NRS Healthcare Garden Kneeler

About the NRS Healthcare Garden Kneeler

The NRS Healthcare Garden Kneeler is a soft, foam pad raised off the ground for comfort and to protect knees from wet or cluttered ground. The pad is surrounded by sturdy steel tubing with a handle on either side which assist with rising off of and lowering on to the kneeler. This garden kneeler also acts as a temporary seat and supportive standing aid and can be folded for convenient storage and transport.

Features of the NRS Healthcare Garden Kneeler

                        • Minimises the strain of gardening tasks
                        • Triple function knee pad, seat & standing aid
                        • Folds for easy storage


                                                • Folded size: 280 x 580 x 120mm (L x W x H)
                                                • Open size: 280 x 593 x 470mm
                                                • Seat size: 140 x 410mm (D x W)
                                                • Weight capacity: 110 kg (17st)
                                                • Weight: 3.1kg

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                                                FAQs on the NRS Healthcare Garden Kneeler


                                                How big is the NRS Healthcare Garden Kneeler?


                                                What is the weight capacity of the NRS Healthcare Garden Kneeler?


                                                How heavy is the NRS Healthcare Garden Kneeler?
